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How We Inspire Kids When The World Is Smarter Than Us

Writer's picture: Keegan A.M. LewisKeegan A.M. Lewis

How To Inspire Kids By Talking About Smarter Things

In the age of information, when the world is smarter than us, we need to inspire kids. Like really. You can't blame kids for turning to their phones and seeing something that's more inspiring than we are. Kids get that -- and at that point, we need to teach them the qualities of what it takes to inspire people. Inspiring kids starts by talking about smarter things.

The insatiably curious nature of kids is naturally inspiring for us. They love learning, and don't seem to be intimidated by all the seemingly-impossible things we, as adults, have lost sight of.

The robot revolution is coming.

The robot revolution is coming, and it's going to be good for us.

We're already seeing signs of it in the form of self-driving cars, automated fast food kiosks, and even automated receptionists at hotels. Robots are already taking over the manufacturing floor, but they're poised to invade nearly every other industry as well.

The military is using them to explore dangerous environments like volcanoes or deep sea trenches. And these are just baby steps compared to what's on the horizon.

The next few decades will see huge changes in how we work, live, and play. In fact, we're already seeing the early stages of this revolution with recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.

In the next decade (if not already), robots will become our assistants at work, helping us with tasks like filing and answering emails. They'll even become our companions at home, helping us out with chores like cooking and cleaning while we relax on the couch.

It sounds like science fiction, but it's all real — and it's happening right now.

So what does this mean for us?

While many teachers believe these new technologies will make our lives easier, they also have real potential to create massive unemployment and poverty throughout the world.

The robot revolution won't just affect blue-collar workers; it will also change (or eliminate) how white-collar professionals do their jobs.

It won't happen overnight — it'll take time for technology to advance enough that robots can handle all types of jobs — but that time has already started and has been in motion for quite a while.

Education is the key to economic prosperity.

Education is a topic that always sparks debate. Some people believe that college is a waste of time and money, while others think that it's a necessity for success.

But here's the thing: If you want your children to succeed, then education needs to be part of their lives.

It’s a fact: The more educated you are, the better your chances of getting a good job and making more money.

But it’s also a fact that the U.S. has not shown great progress in rankings of education outcomes. When you look at the numbers from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), you'll find that we’re mediocre in reading comprehension, math, and science.

Clearly, we need to do something about this. One way we can help our kids get ahead is by talking about smarter things — things like history, geography, and science. These topics don’t seem like they would necessarily be relevant to everyday life, but they actually are.

History is important because it shows us how our world has changed over time and gives us insights into why things are the way they are today. It teaches us about people from different cultures who lived before us and how they made decisions that affected their lives forever — sometimes for good reasons but often for bad ones as well. History helps us understand what it means to be human and why we make the choices we do.

Geography is important because it helps us understand our surroundings and how they affect us. It teaches us about the world around us — why some places are rich and prosperous while others are poor and dangerous. It also helps us to see how humans have influenced nature over time, which gives us insight into how we can protect the environment in a way that benefits everyone instead of just ourselves.

Science is important because it helps us understand the world around us. It explains how things work, why they happen and how we can use them to make our lives better. It teaches us about our own bodies and the amazing systems that keep us alive. Science also helps us understand how other living things function and interact with each other in ecosystems all over the planet.

Education Helps Children Develop Their Minds And Personalities

When children are given opportunities to learn new things, they're able to see how their minds work, which will help them understand themselves better as they get older. It also helps them understand other people better, which can make them better communicators as well as better listeners.

Children who aren't educated don't have many options when it comes to jobs or careers because they don't know what they're capable of doing or what they want in life yet. Education helps children figure out what they want out of life so they can start working towards achieving those goals early on in life.

Surround yourself with smart people.

Have you ever noticed how kids seem to gravitate towards the smart kids in class? We're not talking about the kid who is always getting good grades, or the one who knows all the answers on a test.

We're talking about those kids who possess that raw intelligence that makes them think outside of the box and see things differently than everyone else.

You know, those kids who are always asking “why?” or “how come?” or “what if?”

Those are the types of kids that inspire others to become smarter themselves.

If your students are surrounded by negative people who don’t have much going for them personally, socially, or academically, it will be hard for them to see how far they can go in school.

On the other hand, if they are surrounded by positive people who have achieved great things in their lives and can offer advice on how they do it, it will help them reach their full potential.

The more you surround yourself with smart people, the smarter you become. When you are around people who are smarter and in better condition than you, it forces you to step up your game. It also allows you to learn from them.

If you want your students to be smart, you want them to be surrounded with smart people. Talk about smarter things, read about smarter things and listen to music that inspires intelligence.

Understand that life is a competition.

Every child needs to understand that life is a competition. Competition drives innovation, creativity and productivity. It forces people to think outside the box and strive for excellence in everything they do.

If you want your children to be successful, teach them how to compete effectively with others so they can achieve their goals with ease.

Don’t be afraid to challenge your students. If they come up with a stupid answer, don’t let them get away with it. Tell them why their ideas are wrong and help them figure out what the right answer is. Challenge your children to think outside of the box and be creative when approaching problems.

Hard work is part of life and knowing this can save you a lot of heartache.

If you want to be good at something, you have to put in the hours. There's no shortcut or hack that's going to get you there without putting in the work. And if you're not willing to do that, then don't expect anything else from yourself.

We've all heard the saying, "Work smarter, not harder." But that's just not always true.

You can't think your way out of every problem and you can't avoid hard work entirely. You have to put in the hours if you want results.

The sooner we accept this as fact, the better off we'll be. It's not easy, but it has to be done.

But this raises an obvious question: how do you put in the hours without getting burned out? How do you stay motivated when the work feels endless and pointless?

It's easy to get discouraged when things don't work out the way you expected. But if you're willing to put in the effort, hard work will help you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

The key is to know that it's okay if something doesn't work out. It's okay because there are many other paths available to you and each one will lead somewhere good.

The truth is that being able to see these paths and making the right choices about which ones to take can be difficult. And sometimes, we miss them altogether because we're too focused on the goal in front of us at the moment or we don't even realize there are other options at all.

But if we learn how to look closely at our lives, everything changes for us - because then we see opportunities everywhere!

You don’t need luck to be successful.

You can become successful by making decisions that give you the best chance of success. You do this by identifying and eliminating bad decisions, making good decisions more often than bad ones, and learning from mistakes or failures.

You don’t need to be born rich or have a lot of connections. If you have a plan and work hard toward it, you can be successful.

If you know what you want and are willing to take action, then you can do it.

You just have to be smart about how you go about getting there.

The first step is to understand how luck works.

Luck is a combination of skill and chance. If you’re lucky, it means that you have some ability (or skills) that helps you get ahead in life, but also some things happen to go your way that are out of your control. If you’re unlucky, it means that something has gone wrong despite your best efforts – maybe there was an accident or something else beyond your control interfered with your plans.

But there’s a difference between luck and opportunity: luck is when something good happens because of random factors beyond anyone’s control (it could just as easily not have happened), while opportunity is when something good happens because of deliberate action (someone chooses to do something).

This is important because it means that if you want more luck in your life then all you need to do is make more opportunities for yourself – by taking more risks or trying new things.

If you want to stand out, write a book with your thoughts.

The best way to inspire others and influence them is to share your ideas in a book. If you have a unique perspective that you think can help others, then writing a book is the best way to share it.

This is especially true when it comes to inspiring kids. A teacher can inspire students by talking about smarter things like the importance of reading, how they can become more creative, or how they can learn more about their own interests.

But sometimes, you need more than just words to get through to people. You need something more tangible that they can hold in their hands and read at their own pace.

A book allows you to do that because it gives kids something tangible and real that they can refer back to when they need inspiration or motivation again later on down the road in life. It's not just words on a page — it's something that will stick with them forever and serve as an invaluable resource whenever they need a little extra push in life!

Doing what everybody else does isn’t going to serve you well in the long run.

We're teachers. We work with kids every day, and We're always looking for ways to inspire them.

We know that sounds like a cliché. But it’s also true.

We live in an age where many people are obsessed with being “cool” or “interesting” or “funny” — but they don’t actually want to be any of those things. They just want other people to think they are.

The problem is that you can fake it until you make it… but only if you keep faking it. Otherwise, you end up looking like a fool.

That leads us to this point: we don’t have to do what everyone else does to be cool or interesting or funny or whatever else people might want us to be.

Kids are smart, and they want to be inspired. They want to know that there’s a purpose for them in this world, and that there’s something bigger than themselves that they can be part of. But when you look at what most teachers do in the classroom, it’s all about teaching skills and procedures — skills that may or may not be useful in real life.

If you want your students to become successful adults who make a positive impact on this world, then you have to help them see how their lives fit into a larger picture — one that goes beyond just getting good grades and graduating high school or college with honors.

Do things that interest you. This will both make you happier and smarter in the long run.

Most people assume that kids are smart. They assume that kids are going to be successful and grow up to be successful adults. They assume that kids will do great things with their lives.

But the truth is that some kids don't grow up to be all that successful or all that happy, and some kids do not achieve the things they want to achieve in life.

So what's the difference between those who succeed and those who fail?

The answer is simple: Those who succeed are smarter than those who fail. And what makes someone smarter?

The answer: curiosity.

Curiosity is the key factor here. Curiosity leads to learning, which leads to success in school, in work, and in life in general. The more curious you are about something, the more likely it is that you will learn about it and become good at it (or at least competent).

The less curious you are about something, the less likely it is that you'll get anywhere near becoming an expert on it — let alone a master of it!

So what should we do if we want our kids to become smarter? We should encourage them to be curious about everything!

It’s okay to feel stupid sometimes, everybody does at some point in time. It’s what you do about it that matters most.

If you ever feel like you have lost your mojo, then this one's for you.

I am not just talking about the feeling of being uninspired or unmotivated; I am also talking about the feeling of being stupid or inadequate.

There are two ways to go about feeling stupid:

You can feel bad about yourself for feeling stupid and then blame others for making you feel this way (which is a very common human behavior). This will make you feel worse and the problem will get worse until you finally do something about it (if you ever do).


You can take responsibility for your own feelings, but also realize that not everyone is going to be as smart as you are or agree with everything you say or believe in. In other words, if someone disagrees with what you have to say, there may be a reason for that other than them just being “mean” or “angry” or “dumb.”

It could be due to many reasons such as:

  • they don’t know enough about the topic yet;

  • they don’t understand why this is important;

  • they have different values, priorities and beliefs about life than you do;

  • they have different experiences or knowledge that influence how they see things;

  • they are in a bad mood and don’t want to talk about it right now;

  • or they just don’t agree with you.

When you are working on improving your communication skills, it can be helpful to remember that people don’t think or react the same way.

You can use this knowledge to improve your communication with others. The next time someone disagrees with you, ask yourself: “What are the reasons for their disagreement?” “Could I be missing something here?” Be open to trying different approaches and using new tools when necessary.

Stop talking down to kids and start talking up to them instead.

We teachers talk a lot about inspiring kids. We want to inspire them to learn and do well in school, to be good citizens and leaders, and to become happy adults. But what do we mean by "inspire"? What does it look like?

We think of inspiring as making something attractive or desirable. So when we're talking about inspiring kids, we're trying to make learning something attractive or desirable for them. Achieving this requires an understanding of what makes people tick and what motivates them — in other words, what's going on inside their brains.

Neuroscience tells us that the brain is wired for pleasure. It wants things that feel good — food, sex, money — and it wants to avoid things that don't feel good — pain, hunger, poverty.

This means that if we want our students to learn a subject well enough to become competent at it, then we need to find ways of helping them experience pleasure while they're engaged in learning tasks.

Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. They are capable of understanding complex concepts, but we don’t always explain things in a way that makes sense to them.

If you want to inspire kids, then stop talking down to them and start talking up to them instead! We need to stop dumbing things down for kids and start challenging them to think about things in new ways.

As teachers, we tend to talk down to kids in order to make sure they understand what we’re saying. We often use simple words, short sentences and easy-to-understand examples when explaining things.

This is helpful when teaching younger children who may not have the language skills yet, but it can be detrimental when trying to teach older children who have advanced vocabularies and reasoning skills.

In an effort not to confuse or overwhelm our students with too much information at once, we often take shortcuts when explaining something complicated so that it’s easier for us as teachers and easier for our students as well (or so we think).

However, this approach can actually have negative effects on our students because it prevents them from fully understanding the concept and limits their ability to apply it in other situations.

This is why it’s so important for us as teachers to find ways to explain things that are age-appropriate and allow our students to get involved in the learning process by asking questions, making predictions, and assisting with experiments.

People who talk down to kids are condescending and patronizing. We all know it and it's annoying to listen to.

We can do better than that in our classrooms. We can inspire students by talking up to them rather than down to them, by treating them with respect and dignity as human beings who deserve our respect and approval.

When we talk to children like they’re idiots, we reduce their motivation to learn — even if they don’t realize it. When we treat children with respect, they are more likely to respond in a positive manner.

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